Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Healthy eating? Not today :P

"I'm hungry,"
the first thing that came to mind this morning.

After rotating in bed for another hour, I got up to make myself breakfast. 

Yes, they are not exactly breakfast elements,
but who says we need to play by rules?

Once in a while, 
a change can be fun, 
a change can define life, L.I.F.E. <3

Gum Gum~~

The rain, my mom's birthday

Woke up to the rain

Since moving to L.A. for college, 
waking up to the sound of rain drops bouncing off of objects has been rare, thus forgotten.

Today, I was lucky enough to experience this old tradition one more time,
 in the sweet home of Vancouver.
View from my room out <3

Rain always makes me articulate, it always has, and always will.

Today is my mother's birthday.
I looked at the rain & questioned myself what kind of a daughter am I.

June 12th, the day my mom was born 53 years ago.
It always fancies me to think of my mother in the way discussed below:
She was born also with a mother, 
but today, she is here,in vancouver with my sister and I, 
taking care of us just like how she was taken care of 50 years ago.

When I think of my mother in that way,
I find myself wanting to treasure her even more than I already have.

I sometimes question myself: am I able to perform the same when it comes to my time to be a mother?

12 years ago,
My mother brought (along with daddy) the family to vancouver.
Here, we started a brand new life.

It was no easy for her:
taking care of us as we struggle to learn English,
loving us although she didn't receive much care or love from anyone else,
teaching what to do and what not to in this foreign country while she was also learning about all the news 

This morning, as the rain dances, I told mommy I love her (in a screaming tone)
I couldn't express much while facing her, but I know she understands, because she is my mom 
and everything that is within me has been given by her

On this special day, Happy B-day mommy~ 
Thank you for everything :) 
I want to make you proud.
I know I will <3


Monday, June 11, 2012

Gel Nails: japanese style

Many gals out there are all falling in love with gel nails

Some cute gel nail pictures I found on Google Image 
(just for sharing, I do not own any pics)

Allow me to spare you my views lol~~~

1) prevent your nails from easy breakage

2) since your nails are not going to break as easily, you will in fact start having those long nails you've been dreaming about lol...

3) they have more shines than the regular nails, or their shines last longer than the regular nails

4) the colors do not fade for up to two weeks

5) haha, and lastly, and most importantly for lazy people like me, the nails dry the moment you leave the salon~~~ So you don't have to talk or do things with your fingers awkwardly positioned in fear of ruining your nails before they dry completely :) (1 brownie point~~ ding!)

1) The only one I know of, but I haven't experienced, is that you may start getting spots on your hands because you need to constantly put your hands under those blue rays for complete dry 

2) You can prevent the potential spotting of your hand by wearing sun screen on your hands before heading to salon for bling bling nails :)

How to remove?
1) Do it at a salon :), the process can range from 5 min to 20 min 

2) Do it yourself: grab cotton balls and soak them with nail polish remover -> place one on each finger -> wrap your finger with parchment paper -> wait -> wait -> wait -> 5 min later, remove everything from your finger -> clean up any leftovers by scratching them off 

Gum Gum~~~

Cup Noodle: curry, japanese candies (matcha, seasme), taro crepe, crepe & matcha pistachio cakes

Unlike most hardworking/+ productive people out there

I spent my monday eating and drinking away

 I've always wanted to try Cup Noodle: Curry. After ebay-ing and amzon-ing for days, I found this at a local supermarket. The taste is not outrageously amazing but it surely bombs most other cup noodle flavors out there.

One thing pretty interesting about this is that the powder is already out in the cup when you open the package. 

Who doesn't like matcha & sesame candies ???

Taro Crepe

Matcha pistachio cake & crepe cakes :) Yuuuuum~~~


Nose Piercing

Out of nowhere I wanted my nose pierced... 

I was nervous but there was just this crazy force that fell upon me...

As a result...

I went to Prix Body

The process was extremely short and the girl who did the piercing was extremely careful 

The result?



1) Relax
2) Relax
3) Relax
